Keep Going – Don’t Quit (click for video clip)

Sometimes as a parent I have felt that it was just too hard, I can’t do this.  Pulled in so many directions, children having meltdowns, my own needs to fulfill, how can I manage?

I have learned that it is just at those times, when I had no more strength, that G-d was like this coach, screaming in my ear


Then when the rubber really met the road, and I really had nothing left except hopelessness and despair, wondering why G-d made me the mother of these children when he could have found someone way more competent than myself, that inner voice would come up and whisper

“Sarah, you are the most influential player on this team, if you feel defeated, so will they”

Success is not always about  winning in front of 5,000 people  or becoming a millionaire.  It is about leadership and standing up when the chips are down.  In a family, it is about being there for your spouse and children and modeling for them responsibility, faith, and above all the belief that the choices they make matter.  Who we become as people in the game of life is a product of the choices we make both when the going gets tough and when the tough get going.  

You do not have to become a world record athlete or a millionaire to be successful.  When you take responsibility for your own actions and practice self-leadership, you will be successful in the relationships that matter the most, with yourself, with G-d (your ultimate Coach), and with your family.  You will feel the inner strength of the athlete and the wealth of a millionaire and a true winner in the game of life.

So keep going and just give it your BEST!

About sarahherbsman

Certified Personal and Parent Coach
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2 Responses to Keep Going – Don’t Quit (click for video clip)

  1. Leslie Robin Kassal says:

    Entirely beautiful and inspirational and needed, Sarah.

    Mi kol ha lev!

    Leslie Neshama

    Live your truth and everything else will fall into place. — Shari Alyse

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